Elgin Chamber of Commerce

Membership Directory
As a community, we take pride in our businesses and what we have to offer for visitors and residents alike. Check out the businesses open for business in Elgin.

Chamber Activities
Members of the Chamber take pride in our community and participate in many activities. Here are a few of the things the Chamber is responsible for:
Flower Project
Clean Up Day
Parade Sponsorship
Chamber Banquet
Merchant Stocking
Merchant Trick or Treat
Elgin Chamber Website
The Chamber meets in the Elgin EDGE office located in the US Bank Building or other Elgin businesses (TBD). Meetings take place on the first Friday of every month at noon.
If you would like to get involed in the Chamber activities, join us for a meeting or call 541.786.7600.
I Want To Join!
If you are interested in joining the Elgin Chamber of Commerce, it's easy! Simply download and print out the application below and send it to the Chamber. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Elgin Chamber of Commerce by calling 541.786.7600 or e-mailing elgincoc@gmail.com.